Azure Community Conference

Date 29-10-2021 t/m 31-10-2021
Time 05:30 - 13:30
Theme Azure
  • Online
Speaker Michaël Hompus Sander Molenkamp Edwin van Wijk
Description Azure Community Conference will be a 3 day multi-track virtual conference between 29 - 31, October 2021. The conference is aimed at Cloud and Web Developers working with open source and cloud native technologies on the Microsoft Stack.

From 9.00 am to 5.00 pm IST (Indian Standard Time).

Technology experts around the globe will educate, network, and share their expertise with our global attendees on:

.NET / C# / ASP.NET / Developer Technologies (anything that runs on Azure)
Front-end / JavaScript Frameworks/UI/UX
.Data, IoT and Application Security
Life Hacks / Career and Work Skills
DevOps and Cloud Native Technologies on Azure
Other developer centric topics

On Friday October 29th, at 16.00h IST (12.30h CEST) Michaël Hompus will talk about 'Keep your secrets safe, start using Azure Key Vault'.

No longer store a password or connection string in your source code, configuration file or environment variable! In this session we will discover what Azure Key Vault has to offer and how we can use secrets and keys stored in Azure Key Vault in our application without much effort. We'll also focus on more advanced scenarios that Azure Key Vault offers us, such as automatic Storage Account Key regeneration. Because, how many times have you regenerated a key of your Azure Storage account?

On Sunday October 31st, starting at 11.00h IST (7.30h CEST) Sander Molenkamp and Edwin van Wijk will run their Dapr workshop 'Build microservice applications the easy way'.

Dapr is an open source, event-driven, portable runtime for building microservices. It provides powerful building blocks to make it easy for developers to build resilient microservice applications using a variety of languages and frameworks. In this session you will get an introduction of Dapr and the Dapr building blocks. After that, you will learn how to apply Dapr yourself in a sample application during the hands-on part of the workshop. The workshop features step-by-step instructions so you can work on this at your own pace. During the workshop you will get hands-on experience with the following Dapr building blocks: service invocation, state management, pub/sub, bindings and secret management.
More info the Azure Community Conference website