1. Let me explain you about the scenario

    – customizing the msf agile process template

    – adding new work item types..for eg: A and B

    – lets assume they are created and i’m using them in a team project

    When i create a new "B" work item, need to see a drop down of all "A" work items in the Team project.

    How can i have a custom field in the xml for "B" using the AllowedValues tag that can read from instances of the work item type "A"


  2. I think the only way to achieve such relations would be to create a global list that gets popultaed by a custom process that reacts on the event fired on a changed workitem. This list can than be used by workitem B to refer to that lsit of available items that is populated during the save of WI A by the custom process. This is not a standard thnig, you need to work with the event system to register your listener process to the WIT saved event and use the object model to add a new atem to the workitem global list.


  3. Did you also make your template for Beta2? Have you tried to import that in the july CTP as well?


  4. No, I posponed that to Beta 3. Now that B3 is available I will be working on migrating the template as well to the B3 bits. I willpost my insights on that as well.

    Marcel de Vries

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