Recently, at a client site, I had to monitor a set of performance counters. At first I monitored them 'live' and all was well.
Then I decided it would be useful to monitor these counters for a longer period of time, so I decided to create a counter log for that. I started the log, performed some actions that I wanted to monitor, and then opened the log in perfmon.
However, for some strange reason I could not get all the counter that I had configured to be monitored. Some of the counters were 'just not there' although they were configured in the log. So I thought it might be security related. I know you need specific right to be able to query performance data, but I had not seen a distinction between counters yet, so that you can monitor some counters, but cannot monitor others.
So I configured the counter log to 'Run As' my currently logged on account. Restarted the counter log with these new settings, and now I was able to read *all* the counters.
The strange thing though is that the same counters work without a specific 'Run As' on my machine at home.. I did some searching on the Internet but have not found a plausible reason yet why I needed the 'Run As' for those specific counters.
Ne1 have any ideas??
This might help
I was looking at performance counters in WCF and you have to specify the size of the memory-mapped file the perf counters write to if you don’t then you won’t be able to see all the counters in perf mon.
Rob Addis
Hmm looks interesting.. I’ll try that one out. Thanks!
I was thinking it might also be the case that some counters match one process names, while others match on process id and that I was not seeing the data because I had restarted the process during that the counterlog was running…