Continuing my episode of installing Team System I managed to get it up and running. (So I am happy again :-))
I did the following to make it work:
- I Used the June CTP of SQL Server enterprise in stead of the Developer edition. I have seen some posts in the forums on MSDN here that this should work on developer edition as well, but that did not work for me as you saw in my previous post. And I know for sure I used the developer edition because it’s printed in a large font on de CD’s they send me.
- I used an additional domain account for the reporting account (and made it local admin as well, but don’t know if that is necessary).
So I am a Happy TFS user again, now I will try to move the work item types I created on Beta 2 to this setup, to see what has changed. I will keep you posted if this also has some nice twists.
Cool! Now to get those work item types in..
Raimond Brookman
Did you also configure the Windows Firewall as described in the install guide?
No, I have the firewall service runing but the firewall is configured turned of by a domain policy. But turning the firewall off will ofcourse work :-). Make shure do that you have the service running because i think that that is required by the buildserver setup as you can find in my previous posts.
Marcel de Vries
Thanks, that was I was thinking and hoping!
Hopefully, the July CTP will now install correctly.