Azure Lowlands 2022

Date 30-06-2022
Time 12:00 - 21:00
Theme Azure, DevOps, Microsoft
  • Utrecht
Speaker Sander Molenkamp
Description Azure Lowlands is a single day event with five tracks around Microsoft Azure Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings, ranging from for containers, data, integration all the way to DevOps.

Star Tours: Event Sourcing at Cosmic Scale

From 12:00-12:30 CEST,  Sander Molenkamp will talk about Event Sourcing:

Set in the Star Wars universe, Star Tours is a Disney theme park attraction that takes passengers on a turbulent trip across the galaxy. You might have ridden it, but have you ever stopped and thought about the complexity of running such an interplanetary travelling agency? Event Sourcing can help us tackle this complexity by storing state as a series of events that include the ‘why’ and ‘when’ of the specific event. Cosmos DB, the multi-model globally distributed database service on Azure is a great fit for storing these events. In this demo-heavy session I'll show you how to build an event store on Cosmos DB starting from scratch. Topics include bulk operations using stored procedures, partitioning strategies, and how to create projections using the Cosmos DB Change Feed. After this session, you’ll be ready to start your own galactic travelling agency!

Info Support will also be present with a stand, presented by Thomas de Klerk. Edwin van Wijk will be available in the community area to talk about dotnetFlix.

We hope to see you there!
More info Azure Lowlands 2022