Azure Saturday Berlin

Datum 09-02-2019
Tijd Hele dag
Thema Azure, Microsoft
  • H4 Conference Hotel Berlin Alexanderplatz
  • Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 32
  • 10178 Berlin, Germany
Spreker Sander Molenkamp Edwin van Wijk
Beschrijving Azure Saturday Berlin is a free community-focused Azure event dedicated to educating and engaging members of the local technical community. It draws upon the expertise of local Azure IT professionals, developers and solutions architects who come together to share their real world experiences, lessons learned, best practices, and general knowledge with other like-minded individuals.

Info Support contributions:

  • Practical CQRS and Event Sourcing on Azure - Sander Molenkamp

  • Building Awesome 8-bit Adventure Games with Microsoft Bot Framework v4 - Sander Molenkamp and Edwin van Wijk

Meer info The Azure Saturday Berlin website