Global Azure Bootcamp 2018

Datum 21-04-2018
Tijd 10:00 - 16:00
Thema Azure
  • Info Support Traininglocatie
  • St. Jacobsstraat 12
  • 3511 BS Utrecht
Beschrijving Welcome to Global Azure Bootcamp! All around the world user groups and communities want to learn about Azure and Cloud Computing!

On April 21, 2018, all communities will come together once again in the sixth great Global Azure Bootcamp event! We will organise a one day deep dive class on Azure Containers. During this day you’ll learn how to work with containers in Azure using Kubernetes, Service Fabric and Azure Container Instances! We will prepare some challenges for you to get some hands-on experience.

The result is that thousands of people get to learn about Azure and join together online under the social hashtag #GlobalAzure!

You will need to bring your own laptop (or team up with a buddy).
Meer info The Meetup Website