JavaZone 2018

Datum 12-09-2018 t/m 13-09-2018
Tijd Hele dag
Thema Java, SSL, TLS
  • Oslo Spektrum
  • Sonja Henies plass 2 2
  • 0185 Oslo, Norway
Beschrijving JavaZone – the biggest European community-driven conference for modern developers will be 17 years old in 2018! Don’t miss out on two days of inspiring tech talks, a day of hands-on sessions, mingling, and a great party!

JavaZone is organized by javaBin, the Norwegian Java User Group. Their goal is to organize a community-driven conference for Java developers where they can learn new things, share knowledge, and socialize.

On Thursday September 13, Maarten Mulders from Info Support will speak about is "SSL/TLS for mortals".
Meer info The JavaZone website