NDC London

Datum 23-01-2023 t/m 27-01-2023
Tijd Hele dag
Thema Azure, Dapr, Microsoft
  • Queen Elizabeth II Centre
  • Broad Sanctuary
  • London
Spreker Michaël Hompus Sander Molenkamp
Beschrijving Since its start-up in Oslo 2008, the Norwegian Developers Conference (NDC) quickly became one of Europe`s largest conferences for .NET & Agile development. Today NDC Conferences are 5-day events with 2 days of pre-conference workshops and 3 days of conference sessions. At NDC London Sander Molenkamp and Michaël Hompus will give the following sessions:


25 januari - Sander Molenkamp:  A perfect macht: Dapr & Azure Container Apps 

Do you want to run containerized microservice applications with features like autoscaling, HTTPS ingress and traffic routing, but don't want the complexity of the full Kubernetes platform? Or maybe you just don't need the full flexibility that Kubernetes offers and rather trade that in for ease of use.


27 Januari - Michaël Hompus: Use your source code to document your application 

As a development team, writing documentation is often not our favorite activity. And keeping it up to date after every code change is a bigger challenge. Developers claim that the source code is the documentation itself, but do your stakeholders agree, do they actually read the code? And does it show how the parts are working together?
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