Test Automation Day 2016

Datum 23-06-2016
Tijd Hele dag
Thema Quality Assurance & Test
  • WTC (World Trade Center)
  • Beursplein 37
  • Rotterdam
Beschrijving Test Automation Day is the key meeting place for Test Professionals and Executives from leading IT organizations. The event features an inspiring day of talks and workshops by international speakers focused on Test Automation Innovation.
Learn more about innovative automated testing methods, technologies, strategies and tools.

Central theme of the 2016 edition: ‘’Next Practices’’
Aligning people, process & tools for future best practices

Sub themes:

  • Test Automation Trends (now and future wise)

  • The professional; skills for the Test Automation professional & managers

  • DevOps & Agile

  • Innovative Best Practices

  • Tool Demo’s, tips & tricks

Test Automation Day
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