This week I attended a presentation by Ivar Jacobson at Microsoft in Amsterdam.
I’ve read several of his books, starting with a text on Objectory, an object-oriënted methodology considered one of the roots of RUP.
At Info Support we have already contacted many people from Ivar Jacobson’s company.
This week was the first time I saw Ivar Jacobson and Pernilla Ramslov in person and could shake hands.
It was nice to hear Ivars passionate talk about working smarter (and not harder).
Smart can be defined (Ivar’s words) as Agile++. It’s just a next step, all you need is the right knowledge and the right experience 😉
Ivar recently published a (related) whitepaper on Scaling Agility. That sounds like Agile++ too. Or am I trying to be too smart?