• Detect sentiment with your Bot using Text Analytics

    Detect sentiment with your Bot using Text Analytics

    One of the things you can do with the Text Analytics API, is the ability to recognise sentiment. This simply means that this API is able to detect if …

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  • Info Support sponsort Agile Open Holland 2017 en deelt posters uit

    Info Support sponsort Agile Open Holland 2017 en deelt posters uit

    This year I will organize, together with Stanislave Potupchik, our first Agile Open Holland.
    The Agile Open Holland is a recurring un-conference held in Open-Space style. Open Space means that you are a participant and you are also a speaker and if you want you can also become a facilitator. We don’t have a specific topic for this occurrence so you can come up with any challenge, invention, idea, question in the field of Agile.

    Info Support cares about knowledge sharing and sponsors this event. This keeps the price low for our participants.
    Info Support also has a present for each participant, choose one of eight agile posters printed on A0 format 😉

    Dit jaar organiseer ik, samen met Stanislava Potupchik, voor het eerst de Agile Open Holland.

    Stani is een agile coach die ik goed ken via https://…

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  • Image Recognition with Computer Vision and Bot Framework

    Image Recognition with Computer Vision and Bot Framework

    Since we’re now able to request user input using Prompt Dialogs in Bot Framework, we can take it another step further. At this stage, we’v…

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  • Working with Prompt Dialogs in Bot Framework

    Working with Prompt Dialogs in Bot Framework

    Our first bot built with Bot Framework didn’t handle much user input. LUIS was able to recognize the text and start the dialog, but what if you …

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