1. Hello Team,

    I have created automation script in coded UI and associated that script to multiple test cases in MTM and now run those scripts on the basis of parameters passed through MTM.

    Now when I am running all the test cases from MTM than it is taking the last test case parameter and run all scripts on that parameter.

    Also, if I run single single script from the MTM it is running fine and perfect.

    Please advise how I do that to run all the test cases with their specific parameter.

    I have used the above concept and it is working fine for running single test case.

    Ish Grover

    Ish Grover

    • Hello Ish,

      What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Do you want to run all test cases from MTM (so select multiple automated “Test Case” items and run them in bulk) or do you want to have 1 “Test Case” item executing multiple tests in it’s automation. Can you maybe attach an example of what your are trying to do? Then I can have a look for you.

      Sander Aernouts

      • Thanks for your reply.

        Please find my scenario what I am trying to accomplish.

        I have 3 test cases in MTM i.e. Scenario1, scenario2, scenario3.
        Scenario1 has parameter :ScenarioID:4
        Scenario2 has parameter :ScenarioID:5
        Scenario3 has parameter :ScenarioID:6

        When I select all the test cases and run those test cases with options.
        Test cases run on test agent successfully. But all the test cases are running with parameter of Scenario3 i.e. parameter with value 6.
        However when i am running single single test cases than it is taking its parameter only.

        I dont know how to resolve this issue. Please help.


        • Hello Ish,

          Just to make sure I understand you fully, you have 3 seperate test cases using a @ScenarioID parameter with different values. If you run these tests seperately it will use the correct value for ScenarioID but if you select all tree test cases and run them at the same time only one of the 3 values will be passed down into your code. I assume you are reusing the same [TestMethod] for all tree test cases?

          Could you possible share a snippet of your code with me? Looks like the test context is not reloaded an thus always returns the same TestCaseID and thus will only retrieve parameters from on of your test cases, which would be strange. Could you also please verify that you have 3 seperate test case work items linked to the same [TestMethod] using the associated automation tab on the test case work item.

          Sander Aernouts

  2. I am working on 2013 of both the version.

    Please find my scenario what I am trying to accomplish.

    I have 3 test cases in MTM i.e. Scenario1, scenario2, scenario3.
    Scenario1 has parameter :ScenarioID:4
    Scenario2 has parameter :ScenarioID:5
    Scenario3 has parameter :ScenarioID:6

    When I select all the test cases and run those test cases with options.
    Test cases run on test agent successfully. But all the test cases are running with parameter of Scenario3 i.e. parameter with value 6.
    However when i am running single single test cases than it is taking its parameter only.

    Ish Grover

  3. Yes. Your assumptions are correct.

    Yes I am reusing the same test method in all the test cases.

    Yes I have verified that, my all test cases have the same test method associated with it.

    Please find the code snippet:

    public void RunScenario()

    int testCaseId = Convert.ToInt32(TestContext.Properties[“__Tfs_TestCaseId__”]);
    string teamProject = TestContext.Properties[“__Tfs_TeamProject__”].ToString();
    string collectionUrl = TestContext.Properties[“__Tfs_TfsServerCollectionUrl__”].ToString();

    //We’ll get to this method in a bit
    ITestManagementTeamProject testManagementTeamProject = GetTeamProjectTestManagementTeamProject(collectionUrl, teamProject);
    ITestCase testCase = testManagementTeamProject.TestCases.Find(testCaseId);
    CarletonRegression(PrintParameterValues(testCase));//this method is sending the parameter to other method and on this basis code will work.

    Ish Grover

    • Just for good measure, do have the latest update of VS2012 agents/TFS installed? Should be Update for if they released that for the agents for VS also.

      Do you use a singleton pattern or statics in your CarletonRegression method? I have never seen the parameters “hanging” between different test runs.

      Sander Aernouts

  4. I am also not understanding this issue, all the time my code should have to use the different parameter.

    My carletonRegression method is not static and this method is created in the same class where RunScenario is created.

    Ish Grover

    • Hi Ish,

      I checked your issue with a colleague of mine and guess what, he just fixed this problem a few weeks ago. Apparently the TestContext stalls after the first batch of information is pushed into it, meaning that you will only ever get the information of one Test Case in the TestContext. There is a way arround this by using the TestRunId and polling TFS for the TestRuns that are in progress for your machine, this will then give you the ID of the test case that is being executed. As the results are published to TFS async there will be a delay in your test runs, I believe it takes about 30 seconds for the results to be pushed into TFS.

      The solution is quite extensive but it should give you exactly what you are looking for, check out his blog post here: https://blogs.infosupport.com/switching-browser-in-codedui-or-selenium-tests-based-on-mtm-configuration-part-2/, kudos to Marcel for figuring this one out!

      Sander Aernouts

  5. Thanks for your reply.

    I am still trying for our case but it is not working properly.

    Can you please create a sample code for me. I will be thankful to you.

    Ish Grover

  6. Thanks for your help.

    I tried by myself and now it is working at my end.

    Thanks a lot again.

    Ish Grover

    • Ish, Can you please share your peice of code with me. I am trying to achieve some thing similar on MTM 2013. email id is singhai.saurabh@gmail.com



    • Hi Ish,
      I am trying to achieve same functionality on MTM 2012. Can you please share your piece of code with me. email id : aamirsyed10@live.com



  7. Hello,
    nice idea, thank you.

    One question – how can I load Tfs data to the TestContext in the 1st place? Do i need to reference any TeamFoundation library first to be able to get Tfs related data?


    • Hi Robert,

      TFS, or actually the Test Agent, does this for you when you run your tests using as automated tests from within an MTM test plan. You will need to add your tests as associated automation to a test case for this to work.

      Sander Aernouts

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