1. Erno,

    I can tell you why you need both InstallUISequence AND InstallExecuteSequence.
    InstallUISequence is used when the MSI is run with the user interface. This is what most people do. Every MSI must also support the so called quiet mode. When a MSI is run in quiet mode the UI sequence is skipped, all the information normally gathered through the UI must be supplied by other means e.g. running msiexec with the /qn option and supplying all the properties on the commandline.

    Guido van Loon

  2. Guido, I knew this but I do not understand why the custom action is triggered twice in UI mode…


  3. Ok, I see where you are going now… I must say I don’t know. But if you ever gonna find out I want to hear about it.

    Guido van Loon

  4. I’m not sure how Wix implements it but MSI Custom Actions have an Execution Scheduling property to specify whether the action should run every time it is encountered, or only the first time ir is ecountered.
    This tip was written in my Install Shield Training book I’m going over again to refresh my Install Shield knowledge… I’ve also looked it up for you:
    Execution Scheduling Options

    Guido van Loon

  5. I found it, thanks Guido! It is is the execute attribute of the CustomAction element. It should/could be set to firstSequence or oncePerProcess. I’ll try it! Thanks again!


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