Plaats een reactie


  1. Hello,

    Thanks for this good article.
    Is there any chance to have some code sample?


    Adriano Labate Reply

  2. Hi Adriano,

    Sorry, I don’t have any additional code with this article. But it should be pretty easy to start writing the components mentioned. I haven’t put in anything really special apart from the Repository classes.

    willemm Reply

  3. Very nicley written. In my work i was trying not only to unittest the domainservice but rather reuse validations etc from console applications.(that don’t create changesets, ) I ended up with a solution that lets the domainservice class makes calls to a servicefacade that in turn uses (Entity Framework) reposistories. Wish i had read your post prior to all time spent figuring out a solution. 🙂
    What would be your approach for reusing dataannotation validation and authorization from a console app ?.

    Per Hubinette Reply