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  1. Hi, in your previous post you configured the agent to run under a local account on targetserver…how is the local account on targetserver able to access the unc location where your build output is stored?

    Simon Reply

  2. Hi Simon, when adding the target server, I’ve configured the Drop Location Access to be “Through Release Management Server over HTTP(S)”, so that the release packages that this server gets sent are transferred over the RM Server’s webservice. This way, the TargetServer doesn’t need access to an UNC share.

    Léon Bouquiet Reply

  3. Hello. Thank you for taking the time to read this. This was a very helpful post. Would you have any ideas as to why the deferred deployments don’t start at their scheduled time. We have already checked the time settings on all servers/clients on the domain.

    Gerald Gunter Reply

  4. I want to understand how to test whether a web application is accessible after deployment through release management. A powershell script is sufficient? if yes, how to get return value from the powershell script

    Aswin S Reply

    • What you’re referring to is called a “smoke test”, and you could definitely do that from Powershell, although I would probably not include it in the deployment script. Rather, use a separate Action with its own Powershell script. If the smoke test fails, the “smoke test” Powershell script should return with an error code – this way, you can tell the difference between a failed installation and a failed smoke test.

      Léon Bouquiet Reply

  5. How do we make sure the environment specific app.config changes are updated during the deployment?

    Panidil Reply