2019 Meetup – Xamarin with David Ortinau

Datum 30-09-2019
Tijd 18:00 - 21:00
Thema .NET, Xamarin
  • Info Support hoofdkantoor
  • Kruisboog 42
  • 3905 TG Veenendaal
Beschrijving Organised by Dutch Mobile .NET Developers.

Mark your calendars, *David Ortinau* (Senior Program Manager, Mobile Developer Tools at Microsoft) will join our Meetup! The contents will follow soon, but be sure to expect some interesting insights about all the good stuff that's new or coming to Xamarin! This is your chance to ask questions as well!

18:00 Doors open & Dinner
19:00 - 21:00 Details will follow soon
Meer info The Meetup website