Devoxx UK 2022

Datum 11-05-2022 t/m 13-05-2022
Tijd Geen tijd bekend
Thema Java
  • Business Design Centre
  • Upper Street 52
  • London, UK
Spreker Hanno Embregts Peter Wessels
Beschrijving Devoxx UK is a 3-day conference where developers come together to explore the latest technology advancements and fascinating ideas, with some of the most inspiring speakers in the sector. Diverse, local and global talent introduce the newest and most vital content from the development world, with a range of sessions covering Java, Cloud, Data, AI, Robotics, Programming Languages, Security, Architecture, Developer Practices and Culture.

Attend Devoxx UK to expand your knowledge base, sharpen your skills and get hands-on experience with the latest technologies.

The event once again will run in hybrid format, giving you the choice to join in-person or online.

Each year the Devoxx Family welcomes over 13,000 developers to events in Belgium, France, UK, Poland, Morocco & now, Ukraine.

Pattern Matching: Small Enhancement or Major Feature?

During the conference, Hanno Embregts and Peter Wessels will talk about Pattern Matching:

At first it seemed to be just a small enhancement: the addition of “Pattern Matching for instanceof” (JEP 305) in Java 14. No more unnecessary casting after an instanceof, that ought to save us a few seconds a day! However, upon further investigation you’ll quickly discover that pattern matching is not just an enhancement, but rather a vital puzzle piece in the grander scheme of things.

Why were switch expressions added to Java, for example? To make them support pattern matching in a later release! And why did Java 14 bring us records and will Java 15 contain sealed types? Because they could work really well with pattern matching in a later release! These new concepts are the foundation upon which advanced pattern matching features will be built.

So attend this session to get all caught up! You’ll hear about type patterns, deconstruction patterns, nested patterns and even how pattern matching could improve serialization in the future. Live coding included, of course!

11 Crazy Things I Didn't Know You Could Do With Java Until I Got My Java 11 Certification

Hanno will also give a talk about his experience with Java:

This summer, I got my Java 11 certification. I expected it to be a breeze, because I've been a Java developer for 14 years now and surely I should have seen it all by now. Boy, was I wrong! I came across lots of things that I didn't even know were possible with Java.

Now this can either mean that I have been a terrible developer for a painfully long time, or that these things are just a bit lesser known and in fact very interesting to hear about.

I'm hoping the latter is actually the case, so in this talk I will take 15 minutes to go through 11 things that took me 14 years to learn. Which means that you have the chance to learn these things 490896 times faster than I did! ?
Meer info Devoxx UK - website