Digital Architecture Design Day

Datum 05-10-2021
Tijd 08:30 - 17:50
Thema Architectuur
  • Rijtuigenloods
  • Piet Mondriaanplein 61
  • 3812 GZ Amersfoort
Spreker Michaël Hompus Edwin van Wijk
Beschrijving Dealing with (Natural) Disruption: Building Resilient Organizations & Systems

Adapting to changing circumstances has become more and more important over the last years. Especially now we see the value of the ability to quickly scale up or down your cost in relation to the revenue, to make sure your organization can continue to function with people working remotely and to change your business model and re-think the way you are operating. This calls for great creativity and flexibility of the people in an organization, but also for robustness in the design of organizations and their supporting systems.

In this year’s edition of DADD we focus on what it means to be resilient and what is needed to achieve such goals.

Michaël Hompus

One of the speakers will be Michaël Hompus with his session 'Postponing architectural choices and start developing first with Dapr'.

Edwin van Wijk

And Edwin van Wijk will talk about 'How to get a grip on your microservices system using a service-mesh'.

Cornell Knulst

Cornell Knulst will talk about 'Transcend the cloud: How cloud-native thinking paves the way'.
Meer info the DADD website