DotNext 2018 Piter

Datum 22-04-2018 t/m 23-04-2018
Tijd Hele dag
Thema .NET, Microsoft
  • Park Inn by Radisson Pulkovskaya
  • Pobedy Square 1 1
  • 196240 Sint Petersburg, Russia
Beschrijving DotNext 2018 Piter is a technical .NET conference that will take place on April 22-23, 2018, in St. Petersburg.

Here, at DotNext, you can find such world’s leading experts as Jon Skeet, Sasha Goldshtein, Dino Esposito, Andrey Akinshin, Mark Seemann, Karel Zikmund and other .NET community gurus; developers from Google, Microsoft, JetBrains, StackOverflow, and other companies; the top authors and leaders of the largest Russian developers’ communities.

The upcoming conference will bring together more than 30 speakers giving their talks devoted to the future of .NET platform, performance and concurrency optimization, CLR and .NET platform inner workings, .NET code profiling and debugging.

Besides, the high-quality 1440p online-broadcast allows those who can’t reach Saint Petersburg in person to take part in the conference, along with an opportunity to ask speakers any questions.

Edwin van Wijk from Info Support will talk about Building microservices with .NET Core and Docker and Rolf Huisman about Programming quantum computers in .NET using Microsoft Q#.
Meer info Website DotNext 2018 Piter