Dutch Mobile .NET Developers Meetup

Datum 01-03-2018
Tijd 18:00 - 21:00
Thema .NET, Continuous Delivery, Xamarin
  • Info Support
  • Kruisboog 42
  • 3905 TG Veenendaal
Beschrijving It's 2018! Let's kick off another year with the Dutch Mobile .NET Developers on March 1st. Info Support in Veenendaal is our generous host this evening. We have sessions on Entity Framework Core & Feature Toggles.

18:00 Doors open & Dinner

19:00 *Entity Framework Core now available for your Xamarin projects*,
John Bijsterbosch

With the 'newly' added support of .NET Standard for Xamarin projects, a whole new world is available to us Xamarin developers. With .NET Standard, more parts of the .NET Framework become available cross platform. Since the release of Entity Framework Core, which has support for SQLite databases, we can now use this within our Xamarin projects! Wow! And a big wow after you'll see the easiness of implementing this in your Xamarin app!

20:00 *Separate Deployment & Release in the Mobile World*,
Marcel de Vries & Marco Kuiper

As software is used more and more by businesses it is essential to ensure that you can deploy software multiple times a day without affecting users. To truly achieve Continuous Delivery, we need to separate the deployment and release process. Deploying is both a technical and development team decision, while Releasing is a joint business decision. Feature Toggles (or Feature Flags) can help to separate these processes. Let's see how this can be achieved in the Mobile World with some practical tips & lessons learned from the wild!

21:00 Closing & drinks
Meer info The Meetup Website