Future Tech 2024

Datum 17-04-2024
Tijd Hele dag
Thema Microsoft
  • Jaarbeurs Utrecht
  • Utrecht
Spreker Jarne Van Aerde
Beschrijving Future Tech is the technology conference for developers, architects and experts to discuss and dive deep into C#, .NET & Microsoft technologies such as .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, Azure and more. In 2019 we had our first in-person conference, in 2020 we had the Future Tech Masterclasses Live and in 2021 went digital! But in 2022 we went in-person again! And in 2023 we took it to the next level. The attendees will encounter tested and new possibilities of improving and speeding up development, implementation and management on a big scale for applications.
The main goal of Future Tech is to share all available knowledge, ideas and know-how concerning the newest (Microsoft/.NET/C#) technologies and innovations with a focus on DevOps, Cloud, Emerging Technologies, Non-Technical Skills & Security.

At Future Tech Jarne van Aerde is giving the session: Hot compatibility: the new kid on the block
Backwards compatibility is something that we all know to some extent. Hot compatibility will take this concept one step further. In this talk, he will familiarize you with the term hot compatibility, and show you how it guarantees that you will stay compatible during a deploy to production, where you might be in a state where new updated services still speak to a previous version of another service, and vice versa.
Meer info Future Tech 2024