JavaLand [ Cancelled ]

Datum 17-03-2020 t/m 19-03-2020
Tijd Hele dag
Thema Java
  • Phantasialand
  • Berggeiststraße 31-41 31-41
  • 50321 Brühl, Germany
Beschrijving UPDATE:
The organizers of JavaLand have been assessing the risks of the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) on a daily basis over the past weeks and, in close consultation with the conference board – and thus the Java community – they have incorporated them into our event concept in order to meet our responsibility for the health of all conference attendees. As a community-driven organization, they have also thought very intensively about their social responsibility in the context of an epidemic.

Due to the decree of the North Rhine-Westphalia state government to officially prohibit events with more than 1000 participants, they are now forced to cancel JavaLand 2020.

This unanimous decision was not easy. But given the current developments, there is no other option.



JavaLand 2020 welcomes you from March 17 to 19, 2020 at Phantasialand Brühl. The big reunion of the community in the amusement park flair once again offers the ideal environment for knowledge exchange and networking. Numerous lectures by top speakers, interactive community activities and lots of fun await you! Become a speaker and JavaLand!

One of the speakers will be Hanno Embregts with "Entering the Fourth Dimension of OCR with Tesseract".

Optical Character Recognition has evolved into a mature computer science field, with applications in financial transfers, book digitisation and passport scanning. Now if you would want to add OCR to your Java application, you have lots of options; one of which is Tesseract.

Tesseract has become quite popular amongst software developers because of its accuracy, its open-source status and its active development by Google. By using the Tess4J JNA wrapper it is easily integrated into your Java project.

During this session, I will introduce Tesseract, its pros and cons and how & when to use it. I will compare it to its competitors and I will explain why and how we used it in a case study. To top it off I will live-code a Java application that uses Tesseract and Tess4J to process some example images, so you’ll be able to assess its accuracy for yourself.

Now in geometry, a ‘tesseract’ is the four-dimensional analog of a cube. So will Tesseract live up to its name and help your project to ‘enter the fourth dimension’? Attend this session and find out!
Meer info The JavaLand website