
Datum 04-09-2024 t/m 05-09-2024
Tijd Hele dag
Thema Java
  • Oslo Spektrum
  • Sonja Henies plass 2
  • 0185 Oslo, Norway
Spreker Giovanni Van der Schelde
Beschrijving JavaZone

javaBin is one of the largest communities in Norway. It is driven by volunteer enthusiasts from across the country. They have branches throughout the country and they organize events almost every month in all branches of javaBin, including meetups, events for students, events for kids, and other exciting stuff!

Their biggest event of the year – JavaZone – takes place every September. That's right! One of the world's biggest Java conferences is run by a non-profit organization! Approximately 3,100 participants, 200 speakers, 50+ partners, and generally lots of knowledge sharing and fun.


Giovanni van der Schelde will talk about 'Maven Marvels: Project Generation at Warp Speed'.

If you've ever utilized tools or websites to kickstart your application development, such as Spring Initializr, Micronaut Launch, Quarkus starter or even the classic copy-paste-rename-method. You're likely familiar with the convenience it offers in avoiding standard project setups. As microservices have gained traction, repetitive setup tasks are one of the many items on our lists as developers. But what if there was a way to elevate this process further? What if I told you, we can do better. Even without AI.

This talk dives into the workings of Maven Archetypes, highlighting their strengths and addressing common pitfalls. Learn how to leverage this plugin to streamline development workflows, adhere to architectural decisions, and boost productivity.

Whether you're new to Maven or a seasoned developer, discover practical insights to optimize your development process and deliver high-quality software efficiently.
Meer info JavaZone 2024