JCon Europe 2023

Datum 20-06-2023 t/m 23-06-2023
Tijd Hele dag
Thema Java
  • Cinedom
  • Im Mediapark 1
  • 50670 Cologne (Germany)
Spreker Maarten Mulders Hanno Embregts
Beschrijving JCON EUROPE 2023 is the in-person Java community conference in Germany organized by the Java User Group Oberpfalz in cooperation with JAVAPRO Magazine. Java is our profession and JCON is our passion and a lot of fun. We love to provide Java developers with a spectacular 100 % live conference open to the entire Java-User-Group communities.

During this JCon conference, Maarten Mulders and Hanno Embregts will talk about 'Beware of Survivorship Bias!'

Most talks on a typical conference schedule contain success stories of technology. This could lead to survivorship bias. Survivorship bias causes you to draw false conclusions because you mostly heard about successes, but hardly ever about failures. Yet failures provide us with lots of valuable knowledge: when not to apply a certain technique, pattern or process.

So no success stories in this talk! Just some ‘silver bullets’ we tried to use to solve our problems, but turned out to be Very Bad Ideas™. We’ll share how survivorship bias can easily influence your ideas and cloud your judgement.

After attending this talk you’ll be more aware of survivorship bias and what you can do to keep your head cool, no matter how many ‘silver bullets’ are fired at you.
Meer info https://2023.europe.jcon.one/