Jdays 2018

Datum 24-09-2018 t/m 25-09-2018
Tijd Hele dag
Thema Artificial Intelligence, Java
  • Clarion Hotel Post
  • Drottningtorget 10
  • 411 03 Gothenburg, Sweden
Beschrijving The Jdays, organized by the Solid Beans will take place from 24th September to 25th September 2018 at the Clarion Hotel Post in Gothenburg, Sweden. This event convenes software engineers around the world to share their experiences in Java related techniques, digital trends. The event unites executives from different industries, IT-departments and entrepreneurs to explore new areas of expertise with world-class speakers and experts.

Willem Meints and Joop Snijder will present "AI Experiment Canvas, create your own experiment today".
Meer info www.jdays.se