jPrime 2019

Datum 28-05-2019 t/m 29-05-2019
Tijd Hele dag
Thema Java
  • John Atanasoff Innovation Forum, Sofia Tech Park
  • ul. "Rayko Alexiev" 48
  • 1113 g.k. Iztok Sofia, Bulgaria
Beschrijving jPrime is a conference with talks on Java, various languages on the JVM, mobile, web and best practices. Its 5th edition will be held on 28th and 29th May 2019 in Sofia Tech Park. It's run by the Bulgarian Java User Group and backed by the biggest companies in the city.

jPrime features a combination of great international speakers along with the best presenters from Bulgaria and the Balkans. It is divided in two tracks and provides great opportunities for learning, hacking, networking and fun.

Johan Janssen will present "Create a Continuous Delivery pipeline in 50 minutes".
Meer info The jPrime website