PASS Data Community Summit 2024

Datum 04-11-2024 t/m 08-11-2024
Tijd Hele dag
Thema Data
  • Summit / Seattle Convention Center
  • 900 Pine Street
  • WA 98101 Seattle, USA
Spreker Amy van Bijsterveldt
Beschrijving The Conference

PASS Data Community Summit is the go-to conference for data professionals to connect, share, and learn with peers and industry leaders, and covers topics such as Analytics, Architecture, Database Management, Development and Professional Development on a variety of data platforms, including Microsoft, AWS, Google, PostgreSQL, and more.

PASS Summit happens during the fall in Seattle, WA, and this year's event will take place November 4-8 2024. The full conference takes place over 5 days; Monday-Tuesday pre-conference and Wednesday-Friday main conference.


We are very proud that our colleague Amy van Bijsterveldt will be one of the speakers on this important conference! With two sessions!

Her first session: Analytics in a Box: Accelerating the Deployment of Data Platforms

How do you efficiently design, deploy and manage the cloud infrastructure for your modern data platform? The answer: use infrastructure as code (IaC). In this live demo session, we will look at ways to use ARM (Bicep) templates, PowerShell and CI/CD tooling to easily deploy an Azure data platform in a matter of minutes. Also, we will dive deeper into the important considerations on security and scalability of modern data platform cloud infrastructure.

The second session: A Junior Data Engineer's Story of Success and Struggle

Once upon a time, there was a junior data engineer who believed she could conquer any data challenge that came her way. But as she soon discovered, the world of data engineering was full of surprises - not all of them pleasant. Despite the struggles and setbacks she faced, the intrepid junior data engineer refused to give up. With determination and a healthy dose of humor, she persevered, and in the end, emerged victorious. Accompany her on her journey to discover how she turned setbacks into opportunities for growth, whilst also learning a thing or two on what to avoid when building a modern data platform.
Meer info PASS Data Community Summit