SQL Konferenz

Datum 30-09-2024 t/m 02-10-2024
Tijd Hele dag
Thema Data
  • Congres Park Hanau
  • Schloßpl. 1
  • 63450 Hanau, Germany
Spreker Amy van Bijsterveldt
Beschrijving This is going to be damontastic!

SQL Konferenz 2024 is the event par excellence for data(base) professionals, SQL (Server) enthusiasts and data architects. Experts and interested parties meet here to expand their knowledge and exchange information about the latest developments in the SQL Server community. There are exciting talks, workshops, and discussion panels on topics such as database design, performance optimisation, business intelligence, security, cloud integration and even artificial intelligence.This unique conference is also a great way to meet new people, network, and chat with other industry experts. Along the way, you can also improve your skills and strengthen the SQL Server community in Germany. What are you waiting for? Damon and his datamonster fellows are eager to meeting you in Hanau in September.


On October 2, Amy van Bijsterveldt will be speaking about 'Analytics in a box: accelerating the deployment of data platforms'.

How do you efficiently design, deploy and manage the cloud infrastructure for your modern data platform? The answer: use infrastructure as code (IaC). In this session, we will look at ways to use ARM (Bicep) templates, PowerShell and CI/CD tooling to easily deploy an Azure data platform in a matter of minutes. Also, we will dive deeper into the important considerations on security and scalability of modern data platform cloud infrastructure.
Meer info SQL KONFERENZ 2024