Techorama Belgium [ Cancelled ]

Datum 03-06-2020 t/m 04-03-2020
Tijd Hele dag
Thema .NET, Microsoft
  • Kinepolis
  • Groenendaallaan 394
  • 2030 Antwerp, Belgium
Beschrijving Techorama Belgium 2020 postponed to 2021

From the organisation:

'The health and wellbeing of our attendees, partners, speakers and volunteers is our top priority. The people gathering at Techorama is what makes our event great. Techorama is important to us and to you. A lot of things are happening online but we believe that the in-person experience is what makes Techorama unique and valuable and makes you a better professional.

After long discussions with many stakeholders, we have made a difficult decision. Because of the current COVID-19 situation and lots of uncertainty about what's going to happen worldwide in the next couple of months we are postponing the 2-day Techorama 2020 conference to next year. However, we are running the Pre-Conference workshops as planned but virtually.

Without your loyalty, Techorama cannot exist and we are grateful for that. We hope that you will continue in supporting us and the community.

What if I have already bought a ticket for Techorama Belgium 2020?

People who have already purchased a ticket can choose between these different options:

  • Transfer your ticket for Techorama 2020 to Techorama 2021 and keep the current conditions

  • Take part in one of the virtual workshops (June 2-3). We are offering these at a reduced price of €400. The difference in price will be refunded

  • Cancel your ticket and get a refund.

Check your mailbox for more information.

We sincerely hope to see many of you during our online workshops as these will also prove to be a great learning resource during these times or otherwise at our next Techorama."

As Gold Partner of this event, Info Support fully supports this difficult decision.
Meer info The Techorama website