Techorama Belgium 2019

Datum 20-05-2019 t/m 22-05-2019
Tijd Hele dag
Thema .NET, Microsoft
  • Kinepolis
  • Groenendaallaan 394
  • 2030 Antwerpen, België
Spreker Edwin van Wijk Arne De Cock
Beschrijving Techorama is a yearly international technology conference which takes place at Kinepolis Antwerp. They welcome about 1500 attendees, a healthy mix between developers, IT Professionals, Data Professionals and SharePoint professionals. Their commitment is to create a unique conference experience with quality content and the best speaker line-up.

Info Support is proud to be Gold Partner of Techorama.

On Tuesday May 21, Edwin van Wijk will present "Controlling microservices using a service-mesh".

And on on Wednesday May 22nd, Arne De Cock will present "Industry 4.0: Standalone smartwatches, are we there yet?"

Meer info The Techorama website