Techorama Netherlands 2019

Datum 01-10-2019 t/m 02-10-2019
Tijd Hele dag
Thema .NET, Microsoft, Software development
  • Pathé Ede
  • Laan der Verenigde Naties 150
  • 6716 JE Ede
Spreker Sander Molenkamp Edwin van Wijk Willem Meints
Beschrijving Techorama is a yearly international technology conference which takes place at Pathé Ede, Netherlands. In 2018, the first edition reached 1100 attendees, a healthy mix between developers. For 2019, the target is reaching 1500 attendees. Techorama’s commitment is to create a unique conference experience with quality content and the best speaker line-up.

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On Wednesday October 2, Sander Molenkamp will present How to build resilient applications in Microsoft Azure.

We all want to write systems that stay responsive in the face of failure. But building a reliable application in the cloud is quite different from building a reliable application in a traditional enterprise setting. The nature of cloud hosting, where applications run scaled-out on commodity hardware means failure is not a matter of ‘if’, but ‘when’. This session will show you many principles and patterns for surviving these failures in the Azure cloud, so your users can enjoy an uninterrupted experience.

On the same day, Jonathan Mezach will present Cool things you can do with .NET Core tooling.

With .NET Core a lot has changed in terms of tooling. From making it easier to get started, to working together in teams and documenting shared libraries all the way to diagnosing (performance) issues in your apps in production. In this demo heavy session I’ll show a sample of all these new tools and how to use them. After this session you’ll have learned something new about the tools you’re already using, or perhaps an entirely new tool that you can add to your tool-belt.

And also on Wednesday, Edwin van Wijk will present Building high-performance event-driven systems using NATS.

NATS is a very lightweight open-source messaging system aimed at high performance and resilience. In this session I will show you how I've used NATS as the messaging-infrastructure for a high-performance event-driven system based on .NET Core. I will show how to configure NATS and how to leverage the different messaging-patterns that NATS supports to handle communication between different parts of a system. Also I will go into the clustering and monitoring capabilities of NATS.

Willem Meints will present "Getting started with ML.NET".

Meer info The Techorama website