TestBash Netherlands 2018

Datum 12-04-2018 t/m 13-04-2018
Tijd Hele dag
Thema Testing
  • Boothstraat 7
  • 3512 BT Utrecht
Beschrijving The Ministery of Testing is very excited to announce that TestBash is coming back to the Netherlands next year!

Last year was the first time in The Netherlands and we had two awesome days with great workshops, excellent speakers and fun social events in a great atmosphere. Let’s do it again! Let’s get back together!

The event will be very much like last year: a day with workshops and a single track conference day with lean coffee/tea and the famous 99-second talks. In the evenings the pre and post-TestBash meetups make TestBash Netherlands a truly full day experience!

TestBash Netherlands 2018 is again going to be held at that friendly and cosy 19th-century historic venue, Boothstraat 7 in Utrecht on Thursday and Friday 12th and 13th April 2018

From Info Support Nico Jansen and Simon de Lang will talk about Stryker in their presentation "Kill the Mutants!":

As a software engineer, you know how important it is to have a well-equipped set of automated tests. Such a set will help you to make changes to the code quickly and with confidence. Therefore, engineers agree on the percentage code to be covered by automated testing. Automated testing verifies the operation of the source code, but how do you verify the operation of your tests?

During this session, we explain which problems can occur if the engineers concentrate solely on achieving the agreed coverage rate. For example, a high degree of coverage is not a guarantee of a well-tested application. In addition, we explain what mutation testing and how to test with mutation testing which code is still insufficiently tested. During the session we demonstrate mutation testing using Stryker. Stryker is an open source mutation test framework that we have developed for performing mutation testing on JavaScript projects. More information about Stryker can be found at: https://stryker-mutator.github.io/

Meer info https://dojo.ministryoftesting.com/events/testbash-netherlands-2018