Topconf Duesseldorf 2017

Date 04-10-2017 t/m 06-10-2017
Time All day event
  • Renaissance Hotel
  • Nördlicher Zubringer 6
  • 40470 Düsseldorf
Description Prospective Architectures, It's Project Management Jim, but not as we know it, Modern Languages, Disruption, Technical debt: prevention and cure, Hidden Challenges, Dealing with Data.

On October 5th, Benny Michielsen presents "The blockchain: what, why and how". You heard about Bitcoin, an online currency. Did you know that the technology behind it is called a blockchain. That it can be used for more than an online currency. That there are several blockchain implementations out there. That Nasdaq uses it. That you can create applications with some of them, through which they gain some interesting properties. Come join this session, where you learn how Bitcoin works, where blockchain implementations can be used and how you can build Dapps with Ethereum.
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