Update Conference Prague 2019

Datum 14-11-2019 t/m 15-11-2019
Tijd Hele dag
Thema .NET, Azure, Internet of Things
  • Clarion Congress Hotel
  • Freyova 33, 190 00 Praha 33
  • 190 00 Prague (Czech Republic)
Spreker Edwin van Wijk
Beschrijving Update Conference Prague is the biggest .NET developer conference in Czech Republic. The modern Clarion Congress Hotel Prague will be the venue for sessions given by top experts from Europe, USA and other countries.

Edwin van Wijk will present two sessions:

Building high-performance event-driven systems using NATS

NATS is a very lightweight open-source messaging system aimed at high performance and resilience. In this session I will show you how to use NATS as the messaging-infrastructure for a high-performance event-driven system based on .NET Core. I will show how to configure NATS and how to leverage the different messaging-patterns that NATS supports to handle communication between different parts of a system. Also I will go into the clustering and monitoring capabilities of NATS.

How to build IoT solutions using Azure IoT Edge

Azure IoT Edge is a service that enables you to build distributed IoT solutions that leverage "edge" devices. The IoT Edge run-time uses the power of containerization with Docker to run Machine Learning jobs, Stream Analytics jobs, Azure functions or custom code on edge devices like a PC, a Raspberry Pi, a robot or a drone. The first part of the session handles device management and deploying modules to your device from the IoT Hub. The second part will focus on how to build your own IoT Edge modules using Visual Studio Code.
Meer info The Update Conference website