As a MOM system administrator / consultant I have visited many customers that don't backup the MOM MPs. The say "why? I'm making a SQL onepoint backups , this should do it….” Personally I'm not a big pro on restoring the complete onepoint db if you lose or miss-change a MP. So the mom SDK has some tools to export / import MPs from the command line. The only problem is that this tool only processes 1 rule group at the time. I've written a c# program that solves this problem. This is a simple way to export (backup) your MPs. I use the tool for one reason more: I'm using the MOM to MOM product connector to forward alerts from a co hosting MOM locations to our main MOM location. This requires you to have the same MPs on both sites. My tool has a Import feature as well. So you can make a co-site export and import to the main site in one step.
So if you want to make only a export (for backup resons) you make the source and destination server parameters the same. The tool then only exports the MPs to the given directory. If you fill in a different destination server the tool will imports the exported MPs one by one on the specified server. The tool also export / imports all the RULES , VIEWS , TASKS.
Command line usage:
ExportImportMP.exe <source mom server> <dest mom server> <dest path>
– Dot Net 1.1 framework installed
– MOM SDK installed
– must exists:Program FilesMicrosoft Operations Manager 2005ManagementModuleUtil.exe
– execute on the MOM server.
I will share the code. This is a quick programming project , so do not except to much:
(You can download the project from the download section on this blog server)
It is build of 3 parts.
Part one reads out the command line arguments and is creating a MOM management object.
System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
string arguments;
string SourceSrv;
string DestSrv;
string DestDir;
if (args.Length != 3)
Console.WriteLine("Error invalid arguments");
Console.WriteLine("VERSION : 0.9");
Console.WriteLine("Michel Kamp. 2006");
Console.WriteLine("Usage: ExportImportMP <source mom server> <dest mom server> <dest path>");
Console.WriteLine("Description: Export and import MOM MPs with the ManagementModuleUtil.exe");
Console.WriteLine(@"Description: besure C:Program FilesMicrosoft Operations Manager 2005ManagementModuleUtil.exe exsists");
Console.WriteLine("HINT: If the Source and destionation is the same then no import will be done. This is usefull for making an backup. ");
SourceSrv = args[0].ToString();
DestSrv = args[1].ToString();
DestDir = args[2].ToString();
Console.WriteLine("ExportImportMP " + SourceSrv + " " + DestSrv + " " +DestDir );
Administration admin = Administration.GetAdministrationObject();
RuleGroupsCollection rgs = admin.GetRuleGroups();
Part 2 does the export
foreach (RuleGroup rg in rgs)
Console.WriteLine("Export RULES: " + rg.Name);
Console.WriteLine("DestDir: " + DestDir);
arguments = " -O " + SourceSrv + " {" + rg.Id.ToString().ToUpper() + "} " + """ + DestDir + @"" + rg.Name + @".AKM" + """ + " -W";
proc.StartInfo.FileName=@"C:Program FilesMicrosoft Operations Manager 2005ManagementModuleUtil.exe" ;
Console.WriteLine("Processing :" + proc.StartInfo.FileName + " " + proc.StartInfo.Arguments);
Part 3 does the import
if ( SourceSrv != DestSrv )
Console.WriteLine("IMPORT: " + rg.Name);
arguments = " -I " + DestSrv + " "" + DestDir + @"" + rg.Name + ".AKM" + "" -F";
proc.StartInfo.FileName=@"C:Program FilesMicrosoft Operations Manager 2005ManagementModuleUtil.exe" ;
Console.WriteLine("Processing :" + proc.StartInfo.FileName + " " + proc.StartInfo.Arguments);
Hope you can use it. If not please let me know why and what’s missing.
You can download the project from the download section on this blog server
Michel Kamp
When issuing “ExportImportMP.exe ” twice, does it rewrite the akm files or does it do an append
Best reagrds
It overwrites the akm files. But you could easely change the code to set a date in the file name.