1. Michel, thanks for this great documentation!

    I tried it and it works great! I created a sql query you can use to change the settings in the database.

    <br>-- Filename   : MobilePhoneConsole query.SQL
    <br>-- Change setting to English for MobilePhoneConsole
    <br>-- Author: Stefan Stranger (<a target="_new" href="http://weblog.stranger.nl">http://weblog.stranger.nl</a>)
    <br>SET IdStatus = 2
    <br>SET LocaleId = 1033



    Stefan Stranger

  2. If we have the MOM mgt server on one server and the OnePoint on another, which server to you install the modile mom components on? We host the web console on the management server so do we install it there?



  3. Second issue: None of my webconfig files have a
    DefaultLanguage=”xxxx” line in them.

    WHere do I put this line in the config file?




  4. Hi Geo ,

    Put the webconsole on the server hosting the MOM services. If coreect you should already have the normal mom web console installed on this server.

    You must change the web.config file of the mobile web console. So go to the directory where you installed the web console files to edit the web.config .



  5. Hi, I have set this up on a test machien where everything (MOM , IIS and the DB) are on the same server and it works fine.

    Then I tried on different machines where the roles are split: management server and IIS on one machine, database on a named instance on a cluster.

    The installer won’t install the DB for you on a cluster, but I copied it (the datafiles) from one machine to the other and attached it in SQL Ent.Mananager on the SQL Named clustered Instance. I reconfigured the roles and the permissions (after all it’s just a couple of tables and stored procedures).

    I then installed the web console and the webservice on the management server / IIS machine, which let me browse for SQL Servers to connect to, where I could select my named instance with no problems.

    Still, I can’t get it to work and the error message is not clear.
    I have tested with correct – AND with WRONG – credentials, so to check that the user gets correctly authenticated by the login page.

    Still I don’t see any connection to the DB.

    I am afraid this has to do with IMPERSONATION vs. DELEGATION. But “trusting the computer for delegation” also did not help.

    Ideas ?

    Daniele Muscetta

  6. Daniele,

    Can you contact the on the iis server the webservice MOMMPCWebService ?
    Like this:

    (change the port number)

    You should get good looking xml result.

    If not there you should look in the web.config fot the element:

    (change the sqlserver to the sql server you are using.)

    Be sure all the IIS security setting for the 2 sites are set to impersonation and that you are using a correct doamin password to log on. (one that has also access to the DB)

    Thats all I can think of.


  7. Michel, thanks for this documentation.
    But,I have a error;
    warning:SSL is not enabled.Login failed.
    What’s the problem?


  8. Will this work if im using MOM with SQL 2005?


  9. Hello Michel,
    I am trying to install this on a mom server which has its Onepoint db on an SQL2005 server. The setup of mom2005MPC.exe fails with an error like: “Microsoft SQL server 2000 SP3a [][][][][].
    Any idea?

    Terence Snijtsheuvel

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