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I did’t like Windows Desktop Search, which I had to install first.
I de-installed it after two days since I experienced several unexplained problem.
So I did not get into trying Windows Live Favorites.
I ran into, which can be used for Favourites, as well as a Calender, Contacts, Blog and Lists too. It’s free, and you don’t have to install anything.
I’m trying it right now.
Harry Nieboer
As far as I know you don’t need to install desktopsearch, the MSN bar is enough.
Why not use It’s the most popular social bookmarking site atm.
And now the link without "?": 🙂
"Why not use"
Perhaps because the server is down?…
I like the integration of Windows Live Favorites with IE and I like using Passport for things like this.
Ah got it!
It is hard to write such a URL 🙂
Hehe indeed 😉
Btw, there are a few Firefox extensions for