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Thanks. Very helpful.
what if X and Y are the same?
got it, the parameter default values need to be from a different data set then the query itself
My query is:
SELECT HumanResources.vEmployee.LastName, HumanResources.vEmployee.JobTitle, HumanResources.vEmployee.CountryRegionName,
FROM HumanResources.Employee INNER JOIN
HumanResources.vEmployee ON HumanResources.Employee.EmployeeID = HumanResources.vEmployee.EmployeeID
WHERE (HumanResources.vEmployee.JobTitle IN (@JobTitles))
Basically I want to see a dropdown box with the list of JobTitles so I can filter based on the selected values. So what i did was, in “Report Parameters” I checked “Multi-value” and under Available Values I chose JobTitle…. but I am still having the same error,,,, does anyone know what i have to do?
iggydarsa at gmail dot com
Was very useful…
Simple + concise answer …
Santosh Mahajan
nice was useful ty
pedro abrahan
I have the same problem of iggydarsa someone can ahelp me?
Thank you very much. You just saved me a lot of time and effort! 🙂
Thanks! Just what I needed!
your answer really helped me
Definitely helpful. Thanks.
Perfect, thanks!
very helpful, thanks !
Goran D
Thank you.
This didn’t help at all.
I have the second parameter based on a query of data – completely different from the first parameter which is based on non-query values. Is there any other solution?
Keith H.
Thanks, very helpful.
If you same problem error. you can use the another data set (Ex:field name: accountname, accountid)
assign the values to the first data set parameter which you created inside the parameter.
Open the parameter tab go for text datatype — choose the multiple allow option.keep as visible button and click for available option .. inside the available option select the get the values from a query — select Dataset2
Value field: accountname,label feild:accountname..ok.
you get the parameter as all the account names …
thanks a lot for your help