1. Is usualy burn individual used (or to be used) images to a DVD.
    That way, if someone asks me to see the old stuff again, I can reuse the image, having the same development enviremond i builded the project with.
    While that is for old stuff, when aplied to “to be used” images, it whould have saved you a scare.


  2. for those of you wondering wether I have backup or not: I do have Backup, both on DVD as on another machine available, the only thing is, I did not have those available at that specific point in time and place.

    I have those DVD’s in a DJ flightcase. Those things aren’t that expensive but can contain a lot of dvd’s. I take them with me, for these kinds of things.


  3. I should consider doing the same, and maybe at leaast take the DVD’s with me that I might need that day.


  4. Pfew, that sure would get my adrenaline pumping too. Lucky the disk didn’t gave out the second time. ๐Ÿ™‚


  5. Love those maxtor harddrives… ๐Ÿ˜‰


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