I've had quite a busy week. A few times a year we organize a so called 'Java Action Week' here at Info Support. In such a week a number of collegues sit together and work on new stuff for our collection of best practices and guidelines. Mostly this consists of brain dumping specific knowledge or experience on given topics. Sometimes it also includes some good old research and development. The past week had a little bit of both. Amongst other topics I took on writing guidelines for new language features in Java 5. Although the new language features like Generics, annotations, varargs, enhanced for loops etc. are around for a while, it took some time before we had any real world experience with them as a lot of our clients are still on JDK 1.4.x. Weeks like this always give me a great feeling about the technology I'm working on and sitting together with collegues overthinking best practices and guidelines is a very valuable experience on its own.
There's been quite some NL-JUG activities going on as well. Preparations for the EJB 3 Workshop sessions are in full effect now. Same thing can be said for J-Fall preparations. This one day conference promises some very nice sessions and events. As part of the selection committee I had a very hard time picking from lots of interesting session proposals. I can honestly say we once again have an interesting line-up of both well-known names in the industry and some local heros as well. Take a sneak peek over here for the conference program as I just finished typing it in the content management system.
As you may have noticed when reading these posts online, the guys running the Info Support blogs decided to move from .Text to Community Server. As of yet I'm not too happy with it. The migration messed up the look-and-feel and I'm not very used to the new interface yet. The theme is still a mess so I hope to fix and improve stuff over time.