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  1. I am getting error code 80072EFE error while configuring web url monitoring in SCOM 2012 checked many solutions but can’t find appropriate solution.
    Don’t know whether it is proxy related, or certificate related also modified my advanced setting in IE on watcher node by leaving TLS,SSL all checked.
    Cannot install some third party tool.

    Muzamil Reply

    • Hello Muzamil,
      The error 0x80072EFE you are getting is “ERROR_INTERNET_CONNECTION_ABORTED The connection with the server has been terminated.”. This termination could take place client- or serverside. Although I do not have an insight in your environment this problem could be proxy- or security related.
      The first things I would do is try to log on locally to the watcher node and:
      * try to open the website manually under the user context of the account you are using to monitor the website. You should be getting the same error;
      * Ping the website and make sure name resolution works as expected;
      * If a hosts-file is used instead of DNS then make sure “Automatically detect settings” is turned off under “internet options” > “LAN Settings”;
      * If a proxy client is used make sure the user has rights to visit the website;
      * Is there a firewall in between that restricts access to or from the specified Watcher node or Website?
      * Does the website itself have any ip restrictions?
      * If the site uses SSL, does the client support the ciphers that the server supports or is there an incompatibility (could you check serverside)? or
      * Is the client unable to verify the certificate (trust issue)?

      You could also try to use a network sniffer to check if and why a network connection is being aborted.
      Hope this helps.

      Mark Wolzak

      Mark Wolzak Reply