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  1. No improvements 🙂 but there is already a MSBuild tasks library with Wix and more various tasks.

    kawail Reply

  2. Looks interesting, I’m going to keep that one in my favorites.

    willemm Reply

  3. Did you check out the Visual Studio 2005 project types for WiX? These project types are created by the same team that is building WiX. The project types also use MsBuild tasks to compile the WiX code.

    martijnb Reply

  4. Those are cool projects for Visual Studio. Perhaps a great replacement for the not-so-cool setup projects that you have OOB.

    Anonymous Reply

  5. I did notice those on the WiX site, but I didn’t know they used MsBuild tasks internally (A typical doh moment, as VS2005 uses Msbuild for almost every file or project that needs to be compiled or transformed)

    However, these projects aren’t complete, I can’t move or copy files between a Wix project and other projects. Or my VS2005 installation must be broken again.

    I agree with Wouter that WiX is indeed a good replacement for the standard setup projects. You can do a lot more with WiX than you can with the normal setup project. At least without having to create your own custom installers for pretty much every server product.

    I created a setup project with WiX that configures user groups, creates an IIS website and configures a SQL 2005 database. I don’t want to try that with the normal setup projects as it will probably end in some pretty unmaintainable codebase.

    willemm Reply