Patrick Tisseghem posted an article about WSRP and that SharePoint will be able to consume these webservice:
“WSRP stands for Web Services for Remote Portlets and is an OASIS spec you can read more about here. The idea behind WSRP is to create a standard for interactive, presentation-oriented web services. Simply said, it means that WSRP producers (like a vendor of an ERP portal – take SAP) can expose parts of their portal interface (really the presentation of it), expose it as a Web Service in a specific format as defined by the spec, and then have it consumed by any WSRP consumer (like SharePoint).“
I wonder what WSRP can do for service oriented architectures (SOA).
In a SOA a (business-)service supplies functionality, possibly through a webservice-interface. The idea is that several applications can use the same service and therefore don’t have to implement its functionality themselves. The functionality only exists in the service and can be ‘easily’ upgraded, replaced, etc.
So the functionality is shared, but what about the UI that is focussed specifically on this service? If the service provides functionality to retrieve a set of data, every application that wants to display this data, will have to create their own UI-logic to do the job.
So I wonder, would it be possible and usefull for the service to be a WSRP-producer as well, so not only service functionality, but also UI??
One comment
There’s a gotdotnet-workspace for WSRP-consumer-webparts for the current version of SharePoint:
Robert te Kaat